
Showing posts from November, 2018

C++ programm for Creation ,Insertion and Display of Singly Linked List

Download the Code   Code for Creation ,Insertion  and Display of SLL You can find the detail theory here #include<iostream> using namespace std; int create(); void display(); int insert(); int search(); int del(); struct student { int id ; student *next; }; student * start = NULL, *temp = NULL; int main() { int option; char choise; cout<<"\n\n\t\tLINKED LIST OPERATIONS \n"; do { cout<<"\n\t\t 1.Create Linked List\n"<<"\n\t\t 2.Display Linked List\n"<<"\n\t\t 3.Add value at given position\n"<<"\n\t\t 4.Search\n"<<"\n\t\t 5.Delete\n"<<"\n\t\t 6. Exit"; cout<<"\n\n\tEnter Your Choise : "; cin>>option; switch(option) { case 1: cout<<"\n\t\tCreating Linked List \n"; create(); break; case 2: cout<<"\n\t\tDisplaying Linked list \n"; display(); break; case...

Addition , Multiplication and transpose of two dimensional matrix without using pointers in C++

Download Source Code here  C++ Code for addition ,multiplication and Transpose of 2-D matrices   Linked list implementation using C++   #include<iostream> using namespace std; int read(int[][5] ,int,int); int display(int[][5],int ,int); int mult(int [][5],int[][5],int[][5],int,int,int,int); int add(int[][5],int[][5] ,int[][5] ,int,int,int,int); int transpose(int [][5],int [][5],int,int); int main() { int mat1[5][5],mat2[5][5],mat3[5][5],r1,c1,r2,c2; cout<<"Enter size of 1st matrix : "; cin>>r1>>c1; cout<<"Size of 2nd matrix : "; cin>>r2>>c2; read(mat1,r1,c1); read(mat2,r2,c2); cout<<"Displaying 1st matrix :\n"; display(mat1,r1,c1); cout<<"Displaying 2st matrix :\n"; display(mat2,r2,c2); add(mat1,mat2,mat3,r1,c1,r2,c2); if(r1==r2&&c2==c1) { cout<<"Displaying addition of matrix :\n"; display(mat3,r1,c1); }...

Five Ways to Earn Money Online - 100% Working

Is it possible to earn money online ? The answer is  Yes . If you have patience and some unique skills ,you can easily earn $100 per month.  It should be clear that there is no any online or offline technique by which you can be millionaire in one night or  just in a few days . For any kind of earning you have to be patient and hardwork  .You can make online earning as a part time income source. If you have good knowledge about any subject , you have some unique skills or you have sufficient time to spend on this area then you can easily earn money online .      Then question arises "What are the ways of earning money online ? ". There are many ways of earning money online. In  this article I have tried to explain the best ,guaranteed  and legal ways of earning  money in online platform . Blogging   If you have good knowledge of any subject and good writing skill ,then blogging is the best platform. Y...

Environment Project - Biogas | Biogas EVS Project

Biogas a Renewable Energy Source Project Title : Biogas a Renewable Energy source  Points Included  : Selection of Project Objectives Importance Study Methods Observation Analysis Result /Conclusion Project Presentation Selection of Project :    The stocks of fossil fuel and natural gas are limited and they will vanish in upcoming days . So there is need of finding some sort of renewable sources of energy that will be both beneficial and efficient . And Biogas is one of them . This motivated me to  select this special topic and study details of it .  Objectives :  Objectives of  Project are as follows : To study "What biogas is ?" . To study structure of biogas plant . To study the mechanism of biogas production. To study the advantages of Biogas over non-renewable sources . To find out the limitations of biogas and try to suggest solutions for it .   Importance : The raw material used fo...