Environment Project Greenhouse Effect | EVS greenhouse effect

Greenhouse Effect

Project Title : Greenhouse Effect

Points Included  :

  • Selection of Project
  • Objectives
  • Importance
  • Study Methods
  • Observation
  • Analysis
  • Result /Conclusion
  • Project Presentation
      Selection of Project : 

    I selected the topic 'Green house effect ' and studied it well.  I had included all necessary information  in my project .

      Objectives : 

  Objectives of  Project are as follows :

  • To study  "What Greenhouse effect  is ? " 
  • To understand  the mechanism of Greenhouse effect . 
  • To study the causes of Greenhouse effect  .
  • To study the effects of Greenhouse effect on Human health .
  • To know the ways by which Greenhouse effect can be reduced .
    Importance :
    In environmental ecosystem , Carbon dioxide ( Co) and  Oxygen (O2) plays a very important role  in growth and development of living things . The  proper balance between proportion of  Carbon dioxide and Oxygen  is very important . If amount of Carbon dioxide in air increases , this has adverse effects on whole environmental . One of such side effect of it is popularly known as Greenhouse effect .
Greenhouse result in rise in temperature  of planet . Some organisms and polar ice are very sensitive to slight rise in temperature in order of 0.05°C . Melting of polar ice results in rise of sea level and eventually disasters like Tsunami.  Many plant  species  like reaf are very sensitive to temperature and slight change cause destruction . It  has very bad impact on  Human like vascular diseases, infectious diseases etc .
In nutshell Greenhouse effect is a topic that cannot be ignored if  we want to live the life in pleasant and healthy way . 

  Study Methods : 
I have referred following material for completion of my project :

  • Greenhouse effect  - Wikipedia
  •  www.environment.gov.eu
  • www.columia.edu
  • Environment and Sustainable development -  HSC text-book
  • Field survey
  Observations : 
   Carbon dioxide is a constituent of air which plays a vital role in environment . It absorb the infrared radiations in the atmosphere . It is a main component  in photosynthesis process . The sun radiates the energy in the form of electromagnetic spectrum . Some part of sunlight is reflected back into the space ,depending upon the reflectivity of surface .Part of energy is absorbed by earth and held as thermal energy . This energy is released by earth in the form of longer wavelength Infrared radiation . But there are some gases like  Co , methane (CH4) , water vapours etc that absorb this heat energy and delay its passage back to space through atmosphere . 
This result in rise in Global temperature . Due to effect of greenhouse gases the global average temperature is about 15°C (59°F). It is shocking that  without greenhouse gases the global temperature would be much colder than today , about -18°C (0°F).

  Analysis :
  Causes of Greenhouse effect :

  1. Burning of fossil fuels :  Fossil fuels contains carbon ,which on combustion reacts with oxygen and produce Carbon Dioxide and Carbon monoxide . Petrol and diesel engines emits this kind of greenhouse gases .
  2. Deforestation  :  This is also a very important factor of increasing  greenhouse gases . For example deforestation  result in emission of  Co2     ,which was previously stored on the earths surface in the form of  trees and vegetables or locked up in soil .
  3. Farming Methods : Most of the fertilizer have  nitrogen as main constituent . Nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas which contribute to the Greenhouse effect which results in global warming . 
  4. Increasing population : In past few years the worlds population has drastically increased . To fulfil the needs of this huge crowd ,many industries are growing that uncontrollably  releases harmful gases in atmosphere .

Effects of Greenhouse

  1. The temperature will continue to increase.
  2. Some regions will experience longer and intense drought .
  3. Some regions will have very heavy rain .
  4. Sea level would be rising continuously . The temperature level of sea  would keep rising and they will become more acidic  which will cause threat to marine life . 
  5. Arctic sea ice become thinner and smaller . They will continue to shrink and leads to increase in sea level .
  How can we prevent Greenhouse effect 
  1.   Use public Transport : Most of the Carbon dioxide responsible for greenhouse effect is contributed by petrol and diesel engine vehicles . Public Transportation system should be preferred  rather than private one . 
  2. Save Energy : Carbon dioxide  emitted by burning of  fossil fuel used in production of electricity is also major contributor to greenhouse effect . Hence more energy we save ,less pollution will occur and more safe our life will be .
  3. Plant Trees :  This is a very common but Most effective solution  for any kind of pollution . Trees take carbon dioxide and use for photosynthesis . So reduction in level of Co2   .
    This topic will be the very serious in near future if we do not take appropriate actions today .So each and everyone should involve and try to reduce the  emission of greenhouse gases at our personal  level.

   Thank You !!
Click here to download the Project


Anonymous said…
A July 1, 2017 New York Times article says that "Chinese corporations are building or planning to build more than 700 new coal plants at home and around the world, some in countries that today burn little or no coal, according to tallies compiled by Urgewald, an environmental group based in Berlin. . . Overall, 1,600 coal plants are planned or under construction in 62 countries. . . The new plants would expand the world’s coal-fired power capacity by 43 percent. . . .Some of the countries targeted for coal-power expansion, like Egypt or Pakistan, currently burn almost no coal, and the new coal plants could set the course of their national energy policies for decades, environmentalists warn."
Obviously, the Chinese do not agree that "the science is settled" or they would not be doing this. Or perhaps they don't care.
Either way, the measures discussed in this article would seem to be futile.

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